Differential strain analysis ( DSA) method, which is used to determine the direction of the maximum principle stress with respect to the master orientation line, is combined with the results of magnetic tests to define the direct of the maximum principle stress in the area. 用差应变分析(DSA)法确定最大主应力相对标志线的方位,与古地磁测试结果结合,即可确定出该地区的最大主应力方向。
Changes of crystal c-axis orientation fabric in uniaxial extension tests 单轴向拉伸实验晶粒组构的变化
A Quantitative Study on the Orientation of English Major Achievement Tests 英语专业学绩考试倾向性的定量分析
Elastic modulus of nacre in different orientation with respect to its growing trace direction was determined by using three-point bending tests, which is self-designed and equipped with laser displacement detector. 在自制的激光测试设备上用三点弯曲法对贝壳珍珠层不同取向的弹性模量进行了研究,报道了不同取向和加载方式条件下弹性模量的变化规律。
On the Value Orientation of Performance Tests for Junior Secondary School Graduates 论初中毕业生学业考试的价值追求
Analysis of problem and orientation of reformation for our college tests 我国大学考试存在的问题及改革方向分析
It provides the real-time position and orientation of the objects for space robot to perform the tasks, such as the functional tests, the in-orbit calibration, and identifying and capturing objects. 手眼视觉系统主要参与完成机器人的功能自测,各种在线标定,识别及捕获目标物体等任务,为机器人提供目标物体的实时图像信息及实时的空间位姿信息。